Genesee Valley Winter Ag Producer Meetings
This event features 2 sessions: Field Crops & Livestock in the morning, and Produce, Berries, and Flowers in the afternoon. Separate DEC credits are offered for both sessions. Industry and agency informational booths will be available.
Come to one or BOTH of these FREE sessions! Pre-registration requested by 5:00 pm on Monday, January 16. Contact Ben Girod or Lynn Bliven at 716-244-0290 to pre-register.
Walk-ins accepted but are kindly requested to go last in the lunch line and may not receive educational handouts.
Genesee Valley Winter Ag Producer Meetings Agenda (PDF; 127KB)
Event Details
January 18, 2023
9:45 am - 12:05 pm
Centerville Town Meeting Space
8902 County Rd 3
Centerville, NY 14029
Pre-register to Ben Girod or Lynn Bliven at 716-244-0290 by 1/16/23 at 5:00 pm.
Cornell Cooperative Extension and Genesee Valley Produce AuctionElizabeth Buck
email Elizabeth Buck
Session 1: Field Crops & Livestock
DEC credits requested: 0.5 in 1a and 21 (commercial app. ag plant & field crops, private); 0.5 in 1b and 31 (ag animal commercial & ag animal private).
9:45 am: Arrive, DEC credit sign-in, visit informational booths
10:00 am: Start and welcome
10:05 am: Cattle Grazing -- Camila Lage, SWNY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team
Body condition scoring of beef and dairy cattle as an indicator of pasture nutrition quality, deficiencies, & parasite loads. Hands on body condition scoring with photo examples.
10:20 am: Soil Health -- Matt Havens, Soil Scientist, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
What makes good soil, what are our local soil health challenges, how can we manage the soils to be productive & healthy, and how we can improve underperforming soils?
10:45 am: Integrated Pest Management for Fly Control in Cattle -- Amy Barkley, SWNY Team
Low input IPM for cattle - ID'ing when it's appropriate to use, general procedures and application safety. Includes a hands-on case study practice activity.
11:15 am: Integrated Weed & Insect Management in Pasture and Field Crops -- Katelyn Miller, SWNY Team
Pasture pest and weed ID, managing field fertility and reducing run off. Cultural approaches to reduce pest pressure, mechanical and chemical weed management tactics.
11:45 am: On-Farm Biosecurity -- Lynn Bliven, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Allegany Co.
Practices to improve biosecurity at the farm level to prevent diseases coming onto the farm. Reminders for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and African Swine Fever.
12:00 pm: Introduction of informational and industry booths
12:05 pm: Lunch and visit booths. Pick up Session 1 DEC Credits.
Event Details
January 18, 2023
12:45 pm - 4:00 pm
Centerville Town Meeting Space
8902 County Rd 3
Centerville, NY 14029
Cornell Cooperative Extension and Genesee Valley Produce AuctionElizabeth Buck
email Elizabeth Buck
Session 2: Produce, Berries, and Flowers
DEC credits requested: 1.25 in 23 (veg), 1.5 in 1a (comm. ag) and 22 (fruit); 0.5 in CORE (can be used all license categories, incl. non-ag settings).
12:45 pm: DEC Sign-in, survey completion, browse booths
1:00 pm: Welcome and announcements
1:05 pm: How to Kill a Blueberry Plant -- Anya Osatuke, Berry Specialist, CCE Harvest NY
Factors that cause decline in blueberry plantings: plant nutrition, insect pests, fungal pathogens, and weeds. Preventative, chemical and non-chemical means of control.
1:35 pm: Market Analysis Overview -- Elizabeth Buck, CCE Cornell Vegetable Program
Review highlights of the auction trends in 2022.
1:45 pm: Growing Vegetables for Schools -- Becky O'Connor, Farm to School Coordinator, CCE Harvest NY Schools can pay well for produce but they need to have a consistent, quality supply on a set schedule. Hear about the 2022 pilot program and learn what schools want to buy (and when!) for the 2023 field season.
2:00 pm: Encouraging Beneficial Insects -- Amara Dunn, NYS IPM Program
There are so many kinds of beneficial insects that can help keep your pests under control. This hands-on session will go over what types of beneficials eat our most annoying pests and which ones can be found in the local landscape. You'll learn how to attract these hard-working insects into your field and keep them safe.
2:30 pm: Herbicide Options for Vegetable Crops -- Elizabeth Buck, CCE Cornell Vegetable Program
An overview of common herbicides for vegetable farms. Will include information on species controlled, best use practices, and crop-herbicide-timing pairings.
2:45 pm: Controlling Botrytis Mold in Flowers -- Jonathan Agle, Henry W. Agle & Sons, Inc.
Jonathan Agle is a life-long grower and has worked in his family's greenhouse and 90-acre vegetable business for over 20 years. He has experience growing a wide array of standard and specialty bedding plants, baskets, geraniums, and mums. He will talk about the preventative (environmental) and chemical controls they use to manage botrytis.
3:00 pm: Sponsor highlights and break
3:15 pm: Pesticide Safety for the Family & You -- Mary Centrella, CCE Pesticide Safety Education Program
This presentation will focus on understanding and mitigating the health risks associated with pesticide usage and emphasize safety solutions for resource-limited small farms.
3:45 pm: Keeping our Vine Crops Healthy -- Jonathan Agle, Henry W. Agle & Sons, Inc.
Jonathan will share his approaches for managing pests and diseases in zucchini, yellow squash, and cucumber. He will include examples of successful spray programs.
4:00 pm: Adjourn. Those meeting recertification credit requirements pick up their certificates.
This session is FREE to attend. Pre-register to Ben Girod or Lynn Bliven at 716-244-0290 by 1/16/23 at 5:00 pm.
Upcoming Events
2024 Dry Bean Growers Twilight Meeting
September 24, 2024
Stafford, NY
Get updated! At this on-farm meeting, hear updates in Western bean cutworm monitoring and management, white mold management, weeds and herbicides, and insights from the dry bean variety trial. 1.5 DEC credits will be available in categories 1a, 10, 21, and 23.