Event Details
April 3, 2014
9:15 AM - 4:00 PM
CCE Erie County
21 S Grove St, Suite 240
East Aurora, NY 14052
$20.00 CCE Erie Ag Program/CVP enrollee
$30.00 non-enrollee
Lunch is included.
CCE Erie County and Cornell Vegetable Program
Kim Howell
716-652-5400 x176
email Kim Howell
Vegetable Grower Meeting
April 3, 2014
A comprehensive grower meeting covering managing pests in transplants, weed management, growing for late season winter markets and CSA sales, the markets and economics of producing tomatoes, management of powdery mildew in vine crops, disease management in green beans, and using apps for your vegetable business.
Updates on the HarvestNY Program and the NY Invasive Species Program will be presented. Plus growers will hear from the newest Cornell Vegetable Program Specialist, Darcy Telenko, on her experiences and what she plans to bring to the Cornell Vegetable Program region.
DEC credits will be available.
9:15 Registration
9:30 Welcome, Diane Held, CCE Erie County Executive Director
9:45 Managing Pests in Vegetable Transplants, Judson Reid, Cornell Veg Program
10:15 Weed Ecology and Basic Weed Management, Elizabeth Buck, Cornell Veg Program
11:00 Selecting Herbicides for Vegetable Crops, Julie Kikkert, Cornell Veg Program
11:15 Break
11:25 Update on the Harvest NY Program, Cheryl Thayer, HarvestNY
11:40 Growing for Late Season: Storage Vegetables for Winter Markets and CSA Sales, Robert Hadad, CVP
12:10 Lunch
1:30 Producing Tomatoes: Markets and Economics, Judson Reid, Cornell Veg Program
2:00 NY Invasive Species Program Update, Sharon Bachman, CCE Erie Co.
2:10 Management of Powdery Mildew in Vine Crops, Margaret McGrath, Cornell
2:40 New Cornell Vegetable Program Specialist - My Experiences and What I Plan to Bring to CVP, Darcy Telenko joins CVP May 2014
2:55 Break
3:05 Disease Management in Green Beans, Julie Kikkert, Cornell Veg Program
3:30 Using Apps in Your Vegetable Business, Megan Burley, CCE Erie Co.
3:50 Wrap-Up and Adjourn
To register, email Kim Howell, CCE Erie County, or call 716-652-5400 x176.