Event Details
November 7, 2017
9:30am- 3:00pm
Gideon Putnam Hotel
24 Gideon Putnam Road
Saratoga, NY
$40.00 ENYCHP Enrolled Member
(additional attendee $20.00 ea.)
$45.00 Non-enrolled attendees
(additional attendee $25.00 ea.)
Cornell Vegetable ProgramEVENT HAS PASSED
Growing Better Brassicas
November 7, 2017Join us for a day of information exchange between growers, industry representatives, and university researchers with the goal of better understanding how to grow great brassica crops! This day will be filled with short presentations about topics ranging from transplant production to plant spacing and disease management, followed by ample time for growers to ask questions and discuss topics with panelists and each other.
The crops we will focus on during this day are broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, but many topics will be relevant to other brassicas as well.
3 DEC Credits will be available.
Speakers Include:
Paul Betz- High Mowing Seeds:
High Mowing Seed's representative will share about the seed company's work to develop east coast varieties, from the production and seed company perspectives.
Thomas Bjorkman- Cornell University:
Thomas works extensively on developing the East Coast broccoli industry, searching for economically viable varieties and cropping systems which allow year-round production from Maine to Florida.
Jean-Paul Courtens- Hudson Valley Farm Hub & Roxbury Farm:
Jean-Paul will bring his experience in growing fertility for Brassica crops and in producing top quality brassicas in organic systems.
Amy Dolley- Johnny's Selected Seeds:
Amy will share information about Johnny's wide range of seed and products available to aid in quality brassica production.
Dan Kent- Kent Family Grower; Lisbon NY:
Dan Kent will share his years of experience growing vegetables including his decision to relocate his farm 20 miles away to better soils, and the impact that had on plant quality and productivity.
David Marchant- River Berry Farm; Fairfax, VT:
David Marchant brings 26 years of experience with innovative cropping systems in northern Vermont growing all types of brassicas.
Susan Scheufele- University of Massachusetts:
Susan works for U-Mass conducting research on Brassica pests and diseases, and will share a wealth of experience from her on-farm trials.
Jan van der Heide- Bejo Seeds:
Jan will share about the lessons learned through his work with Bejo Seed Company on brassica production here and in Europe, including information about varieties suited for different environments and disease management in seed production.
Lunch is included. Please let us know if you have any dietary concerns.