Insecticide Programs to Consider for Onion Thrips Control in Onion in 2023
Christy Hoepting, Extension Vegetable Specialist
Cornell Vegetable Program

Guidelines for using insecticides to manage onion thrips in onion fields in the Great Lakes region continue to evolve as we gain more experience using them under various situations. The following guidelines provide multiple scenarios for managing onion thrips over the season in New York. The major factors used to create these guidelines are efficacy of products under varying levels of thrips pressure and the desire to follow insecticide resistance management principles.
Disclaimer: There are other insecticides labeled for use on onion for onion thrips management that also may be effective, but that are not included in these guidelines. These guidelines have been developed based on our personal experience assessing the efficacy of many different products in commercial onion fields or by assessing their performance after application by New York onion growers in their fields.
Insecticide Programs to Consider for Onion Thrips Control in Onion, 2023 (pdf; 417KB)
- also includes 'Scouting Tips for Onion Thrips in Onions'

Upcoming Events
Oswego Muck Onion Growers Pre-Season Meeting: Bacterial Bulb Rot

March 13, 2025
Baldwinsville, NY
Can we win the rot race? At this pre-season meeting, Oswego muck onion growers will hear the complexities of bacterial bulb rot of onion. An open discussion between growers and allied industry reps will be led by Christy Hoepting. 1.0 DEC recertification credits in categories 1a, 10 and 23 will be available.
Growing Rhubarb Webinar
March 14, 2025
Farmers and backyard gardeners are invited to learn about the essentials of growing rhubarb. This one-hour webinar hosted by Cornell AgriTech and CCE Ontario County will provide valuable insights into soil conditions, plant selection, care, and maintenance, ensuring attendees are well-prepared for the upcoming growing season.
2025 NYS Dry Bean Meeting and Cutting Event

March 19, 2025
Geneva, NY
The NYS Dry Bean Meeting will be paired with the annual Dry Bean Cutting Event again this year! The morning meeting will include market updates and presentations on the latest dry bean research in New York: dry bean variety breeding and trial updates, white mold control, Western bean cutworm management, and identifying management tactics for major pests in dry beans. 2.0 DEC and CCA credits will be available.
The Dry Bean Cutting will follow the meeting and showcase the canned dry beans from the 2024 Dry Bean Variety Trial.