Low, Quick, and Caterpillar Tunnels: An Overview of Season Extension Techniques
Robert Hadad, Extension Vegetable Specialist
Cornell Vegetable Program
Season extension offers growers expanded times for growing produce. Getting an early jump or holding crops later into the sales season can really increase profits when the techniques are used and costs taken into account.
There are many styles and types of construction available on the internet. The ones mentioned in this presentation cover what is commonly available. Many suppliers carry hoop materials, row covers, and greenhouse film. Ingenuity and imagination creates more effective ways of set up and operation.
The caterpillar example in this presentation is based on low-cost materials. The tunnel is not recommended for handling snow loads. One problem found with it is that rain water can pool pockets of the greenhouse film between the cord/rope. This would require daily observations to push the water out so as not to cause bending of the hoops. Use of the tunnel should be for the extension of the season or getting an earlier start of the season making it easier to work inside. In order for the tunnel to stand up to the winter, daily maintenance is required.
A heavy duty version of the caterpillar tunnel is shown in another presentation listed on this website. It uses chain link fence poles and offers year-round operation with the stronger construction.
Additional resources that may be helpful to you:
Resources and Supplies for Tunnel Construction (PDF; 196KB)
Diggin' Tunnels: Low, Quick, and Caterpillar Tunnels for Season Extension (pdf; 2108KB)
Upcoming Events
Orleans Regional Winter Vegetable Meeting
January 23, 2025
Albion, NY
Join us for information on sweet corn pest control, Colorado potato beetles, gummy stem blight and black rot of vine crops, pesticide updates, and herbicides between plastic. DEC Credits available: 0.5 in CORE (all license categories) and 1.75 credits 1a, 10 and 23.
Chautauqua Regional Winter Vegetable Meeting
January 24, 2025
Sherman, NY
Topics: Tar spot in sweet and field corn, managing anthracnose in vine crops, weed control between plastic beds, pesticide updates, and more. 2.5 DEC credits requested in 1a and 23.
2025 New York State Potato School
February 11 - February 12, 2025
Waterloo, NY
This year's program will feature speakers covering critically important topics like disease management, updates in storage techniques, new varieties, and other production management practices. New for this year will be the Processor Panel where guests will have the chance to interact with some of the major chip processors in the northeast. Your participation will also earn you DEC and CCA points.