Growing for Wholesale: Grading and Packing Guidelines by Crop

Grading and packing guidelines are now available for 18 commonly grown specialty crops in NYS: romaine lettuce, acorn squash, broccoli crowns, Brussels sprouts, sweet corn, green peppers, cucumbers, green cabbage, red cabbage, savoy cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, green beans, jalapenos, poblanos, Hungarian hot peppers, summer squash, and zucchini.
Acceptable quality standards and common defects that should be sorted out on the grading line are depicted in these resources, both visually and in outline form.
This resource was developed through the support of Cheryl Thayer of CCE Harvest NY, Dave Walczak of Eden Valley Growers, Angela (Parr) Ochterski and Robert Hadad of the CCE Cornell Vegetable Program, and Jim Monahan of Cornell Cooperative Extension. Further, development of this resource was made possible through grant funding from the USDA Local Food Promotion Program.
Additional sheets are being added. See the new Romaine Lettuce sheet (September 2019) and Acorn Squash sheet (2018). New sheets are created by Robert Hadad and Angela Ochterski of the CCE Cornell Vegetable Program.
Acorn Squash (pdf; 1397KB)
Broccoli Crowns (pdf; 1416KB)
Brussels Sprouts (pdf; 917KB)
Cabbage - Green (pdf; 1037KB)
Cabbage - Red (pdf; 1431KB)
Cabbage - Savory (pdf; 1087KB)
Cauliflower 9's (pdf; 1409KB)
Cucumbers - Select (pdf; 880KB)
Cucumbers - 24ct Super (pdf; 1143KB)
Cucumbers - 36ct Super (pdf; 1143KB)
Cucumbers - Super (pdf; 1142KB)
Eggplant (pdf; 1113KB)
Green Beans (pdf; 780KB)
Peppers - Choice Green (pdf; 743KB)
Peppers - Green Sweet Large (pdf; 875KB)
Peppers - Green Sweet Medium (pdf; 907KB)
Peppers - Hungarian Hot 1 1/9 (pdf; 660KB)
Peppers - Hungarian Hot 1/2 Bushel (pdf; 662KB)
Peppers - Jalapeno 1 1/9 (pdf; 824KB)
Peppers - Jalapeno 1/2 Bushel (pdf; 828KB)
Peppers - Pablano 1 1/9 (pdf; 753KB)
Peppers - Pablano 1/2 Bushel (pdf; 756KB)
Romaine Lettuce (pdf; 364KB)
Squash - Summer (pdf; 802KB)
Sweet Corn Boxes (pdf; 2089KB)
Zucchini (pdf; 1173KB)
Set of All Crop Sheets (pdf; 17316KB)
- Download this file if you wish to have 1 file containing all 26 crop sheets

Upcoming Events
2025 New York State Potato School

February 11 - February 12, 2025
Waterloo, NY
This year's program will feature speakers covering critically important topics like disease management, updates in storage techniques, new varieties, and other production management practices. New for this year will be the Processor Panel where guests will have the chance to interact with some of the major chip processors in the northeast. Your participation will also earn you DEC and CCA points.
Remote Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Training
February 12, 2025
Join Cornell Cooperative Extension of Orange and Oneida Counties, the Cornell Vegetable Program, Harvest NY, and the Eastern NY Horticulture Team on Feb. 12 for a remote Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) training. Good Agricultural Practices is a voluntary food safety audit program requiring minimum standards for the production, handling, packing, and storing of fresh fruits and vegetables, and is required by some buyers. Trainers will cover food safety best management practices related to worker training, preharvest assessments and wildlife management, water testing, postharvest handling, hygienic equipment design and efficient wash-pack setups, how to write a farm food safety plan, and more. The training will follow the USDA GAPs audit checklist so that farms will be prepared for an audit. A NYSDAM GAPs auditor will join us to discuss audit logistics and answer questions from participants. Following the course, we will offer a series of virtual office hours to follow up with course participants to assist them with writing their farm food safety plan, which is mandatory for the GAPs audit. Participants will receive a certificate of course completion after the training.
Food Safety Lunch and Learn Webinar Series
February 11, 2025 : Part One: What's Going on with Food Safety?
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets FSMA inspectors are expected to step up farm visits this season. Why are they showing up on the farm asking about FSMA? Aren't we exempt? This noontime hour we will discuss the purpose of the farm visits and what produce farmers need to know.
February 18, 2025 : Part Two: What Counts as Food Processing?
In this session, we will discuss what counts as processing and what doesn't. Stories of inspectors coming to farmers markets and auctions telling some growers certain products can't be sold usually without much explanation. We will try to make some sense of things and clear up some misunderstandings so hopefully the upcoming season goes smoothly.
February 25, 2025 : Part Three: Traceability - Benefits for Food Safety and Beyond
Can having a traceback process for your produce (and other farm products) make good business sense regardless of FSMA regulations? We will (try to) make the case for farms to have some sort of traceability mechanism in place.