New Crop Rotation Recommendations for Swede Midge
Christy Hoepting, Extension Vegetable Specialist
Cornell Vegetable Program
New Cornell research has demonstrated that brassica crop rotations of 500 ft (down from 3000 ft) and 3 months (down from 3 years) could effectively "crash" a swede midge population when fields are secluded from each other, making crop rotation a much more feasible strategy for small farms. A new fact sheet details the new crop rotation recommendations and provides information on the pest's life cycle, biology, and crop preferences in addition to real-world examples of crop rotation. The crop rotation strategies were developed to serve the needs of small organic farmers, but have utility for conventional farmers as well.
New Crop Rotation Recommendations for Swede Midge
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2024 Dry Bean Growers Twilight Meeting
September 24, 2024
Stafford, NY
Get updated! At this on-farm meeting, hear updates in Western bean cutworm monitoring and management, white mold management, weeds and herbicides, and insights from the dry bean variety trial. 1.5 DEC credits will be available in categories 1a, 10, 21, and 23.