Event Details
December 5, 2019
Pine Island Fire Department
684 County Rd 1
Pine Island, NY 10969
This event is free.
Cornell Vegetable ProgramReduced Tillage on Muck Soils: Results from Two Years of Squash Trials
December 5, 201910:15 AM-10:30- Welcome and Introductions, Ethan Grundberg, CCE ENYCHP
10:30-11:15- Weed Management in Heavy Residue Reduced Tillage Systems, Chuck Bornt, CCE ENYCHP
Bornt will present data from two years of trialing different cover crop mixtures and planting densities to create residue for reduced tillage squash production systems on muck soils. Emphasis will be placed on combining cultural tactics, such as avoidance of moldboard plowing pre-cover crop establishment, and chemical tactics for reducing weed pressure. Specific results on the variable performance of burndown herbicides, particularly glyphosate and paraquat, for cover crop management in combination with pre-emergent herbicides, particularly Sandea and Command, will be presented.
11:15-11:50- Managing Primary Cucurbit Pests and Diseases in Reduced Tillage Systems, Ethan Grundberg, CCE ENYCHP
Grundberg will discuss the measured impacts of adopting reduced tillage systems on several of the primary pests and diseases of cucurbit crops in the region. Specifically, Grundberg will present data on the incidence of Phytopthora capsici, the percent of crop damaged by rodents, and the fungicide programs used to manage powdery mildew and downy mildew in trial plots in 2018 and 2019. Data on soil temperature and moisture across different cover crop treatments and their interaction with soilborne pathogens like Pythium spp will also be presented.
11:50-12:00- Reduced Tillage Trials in 2020, Chuck Bornt and Ethan Grundberg, CCE ENYCHP
Grundberg and Bornt will discuss the future direction of reduced tillage trials in Orange County, specifically addressing the need for trialing in transplanted crops and possible impacts of reduced tillage systems on greenhouse gas flux.
12:00-1:00 PM- Catered lunch