Event Details
March 18, 2015
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
LeRoy Country Club
7759 E Main Rd (Rt 5)
LeRoy, NY 14482
$20.00 CVP enrollee
(additional attendee $20.00 ea.)
$30.00 non-CVP enrollee
(additional attendee $30.00 ea.)
includes lunch
At the Door
$25.00 CVP enrollee
$35.00 non-CVP enrollee
Cornell Vegetable ProgramCarol MacNeil
email Carol MacNeil
Pre-Registration Deadline: March 13, 2015
2015 NYS Dry Bean Meeting
March 18, 2015Topics to be included are: the performance and development of new varieties and breeding lines; weed management update; white mold management recommendations; Western bean cutworm risk and control; the effects of tillage, cover crops and rotation on dry bean yields. Bean dishes at lunch! The NYS Dry Bean Committee will meet right after the meeting.
1.75 DEC credits in 10, 1a, 21, and 23 will be available as well as CCA pesticide credits.
Cost: $20/CVP enrollee; $30 non-CVP enrollee, if preregistered by March 10. $5 more at the door.
Meeting Agenda:
9:00 AM Registration, Sign up for DEC Credits, and Refreshments
9:30 AM Introduction
9:35 AM Varieties for NYS - Report on Yields, Maturity and Disease Resistance
10:00 AM Improving Yields through White Mold Resistance & Plant Architecture
10:25 AM What's New from Industry?
10:30 AM Stretch Break
10:35 AM Final Report on Zone Till Herbicide Program in Dry Beans, and Results of Trials with New Herbicides for Beans
11:00 AM Western Bean Cutworm: Population Increase, Strategies for Control
11:25 AM Reducing Risk of Sclerotinia White Mold with Cultural Practices & Fungicides
11:50 AM Report on the NYS Dry Bean Endowment for Dry Bean Research
12:00 PM Soup & Sandwich Lunch including Tasty, Healthy Dry Bean Dishes!
1:00 PM Healthy School Food: Beans in Schools Update
1:25 PM The Effects of Tillage, Cover Crops and Crop Rotation on Dry Bean Yield and Root Rot; Soil Health Grant Opportunity for Growers
1:50 PM News from the Dry Bean Council
2:10 PM Report from the February 9 Organic Dry Bean Meeting
2:25 PM Pick up NYS DEC Pesticide Certificates
2:30 PM NYS Dry Bean Industry Advisory Committee Meeting
3:00 PM Adjourn
Contact Carol MacNeil for meeting details.
This event is sponsored by Carolina Eastern-Crocker, New York Bean, and Empire Tractor. We appreciate their support!
Dry Bean Meeting Registration Form (PDF; 538KB)