Events - month view

November 2021
No Events Scheduled at this Time
December 2021
Processing Beets and Carrots Advisory Meeting

December 13, 2021
9:00am - 12:00pm
Hybrid format: Join online or in-person

All are invited to attend and discuss the 2021 growing season for each crop. Join us online or in-person; pre-registration required. Cornell researchers will be on-hand to present an update on their research funded by the NYS Vegetable Research Association & Council. 2.0 DEC credits will be offered in categories 10, 1a, and 23.
Processing Peas, Snap Beans, and Sweet Corn Advisory Meeting

December 13, 2021
1:00pm - 3:30pm
Hybrid format: Join online or in-person

All are invited to attend and discuss the 2021 growing season for each crop. Join us online or in-person; pre-registration required. Cornell researchers will be on-hand to present an update on their research funded by the NYS Vegetable Research Association & Council. 1.75 DEC credits will be offered in categories 10, 1a, and 23.
January 2022
2022 Finger Lakes Produce Auction Growers Meeting

January 6, 2022
9:00am coffee and registration, 10:00am - 2:30 meeting
Finger Lakes Produce Auction
Penn Yan, NY
This course will educate growers on disease and pest management, varieties and marketing issues in open field and high tunnel vegetables. Topics such as disease resistant varieties, pest/disease, cultural management, biological controls and appropriate spray options. The meeting will include grower and buyer panels and auction updates. 1.75 DEC credits will be offered in categories 10, 1a, 23, 24.
CANCELED: 2022 Empire State Producers Expo
January 11 - January 13, 2022
The Oncenter
Syracuse, NY

UPDATE 12/23/21: Due to the ever changing COVID-19 pandemic, the Empire State Producers Expo and Becker Forum is going virtual.
The Becker Forum will stay the same date and time, January 10, in a virtual format.
The vegetable workshops and DEC credits will be virtual and further information will be going out to people who have registered and others who plan to attend. Please check back for more information on the New York State Vegetable Growers Association website. There will be no Trade Show until 2023.
2022 Ontario Produce Auction Growers Meeting

January 19, 2022
9:00am coffee and registration; 9:30am - 3:00pm meeting
Ontario Produce Auction
Stanley, NY
This course will educate growers on disease and pest management, varieties and marketing issues in field grown vegetables. Topics such as disease resistant varieties, pest/disease, cultural management, biological controls and appropriate spray options. 1.5 DEC recertification credits in categories 10, 1a, 23 will be offered.

Upcoming Events
Food Safety Lunch and Learn Webinar Series
February 11, 2025 : Part One: What's Going on with Food Safety?
NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets FSMA inspectors are expected to step up farm visits this season. Why are they showing up on the farm asking about FSMA? Aren't we exempt? This noontime hour we will discuss the purpose of the farm visits and what produce farmers need to know.
February 18, 2025 : Part Two: What Counts as Food Processing?
In this session, we will discuss what counts as processing and what doesn't. Stories of inspectors coming to farmers markets and auctions telling some growers certain products can't be sold usually without much explanation. We will try to make some sense of things and clear up some misunderstandings so hopefully the upcoming season goes smoothly.
February 25, 2025 : Part Three: Traceability - Benefits for Food Safety and Beyond
Can having a traceback process for your produce (and other farm products) make good business sense regardless of FSMA regulations? We will (try to) make the case for farms to have some sort of traceability mechanism in place.
Allium Pests!
February 26, 2025
Presented by Christy Hoepting (CCE Cornell Vegetable Program) and Ann Hazelrigg (Univ. of VT), this webinar will focus on organic management of pests and diseases of onions, garlic, leeks. The webinar is part of a series supported by the Transition to Organic Partnership Program.
Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Training
March 4 - March 5, 2025
Syracuse, NY
This two-day workshop will train fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in produce safety, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), the Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices (GAPSs), and co-management of natural resources and food safety. (A remote attendance option is available.)